Free website migration for Managed Hosting Packages worth £98

What happens during a website migration

Time to relax

First thing to know is, we’re experts in migrations and our process will reduce any downtime to minimal times, usually just a few minutes.

However the elapsed time of the process can be from as little as 4 hours to 72 hours depending on access and requirements.

All the information upfront

You’ll have setup an account with us and chosen your payment method.

Next, before any migration takes we need to make sure we have all the details we need for successful migration.

We’ll send you a link to our migration request form to collect everything we need.

Setting up your hosting

Next we’ll setup your hosting. This is where we will migrate your website to.

We’ll then upload your website in advance ready for the next steps.

Domain name access

We’ll ask for access to your domain name provider. It’s so much easier for us to make all the technical changes required.

A lot of hosting companies will give you long and complicated instructions to change your DNS records. We know that most website owners don’t know what DNS records or how to change them. So we’re more than happy to do that for you.

We’ll check all the technical details on your existing provider and duplicate them in advance on your hosting package with us.

Email access and test migration

If you are moving your emails to us we’ll need your email address and mailbox passwords. You’ll have provided them in your migration request.

We’ll setup your new mailboxes in advance.

We’ll then carry out an initial email migration test.

Following a successful test we will carry on with the next steps.

Switch the name servers

This is the point where we start the process to switch from you old provider to your new provider.

Now we wait for a process called ‘propagation’ to take place. This process is the time is takes for DNS changes to be updated by ISPs around the world.

Although the rule of thumb is 72 hours, it’s usually a matter of minutes or hours.

During this 72 hours period some visitors to the website may see the old site, this is normal and usually by the end of the 72 hours they will see the new site.

Brining the site online

Once the DNS updates are completed your domain name will now be pointing to your new hosting package.

At this point we install your SSL certificate. It can take from 20 mins to an hour to wait for the installation to complete.

Once ready, we can then bring your site online.

Complete the email migration

If we are migrating your email this is the next step.

We will carry out a final sync to your existing mailbox.

Then your old email settings can be removed and replaced with new ones.

You may require the assistance of your IT Department or IT support technician to make the necessary changes to your email programs and apps on your computers and mobile devices. If you don’t have any IT support, we can recommended a great company to help you.

Setup your WordPress Management services.

Once we have the site live and full access we can then install and setup all the elements involved in the management and maintenance of your WordPress website including security, backups and 247 monitoring.

Transferring of the domain name

If you requested us to transfer your domain name to your account with us, now is the time we will do this.

Closing down your old services

Once the migration is complete you’ll need to cancel any services or products with your old provider.
